What we've been doing in our villages up to in the last year:

Working positively with Liddington Parish Council


I volunteer with Community Speedwatch in Liddington and following residents and Parish Council's concerns about speeding motorists, I arranged a meeting with a senior SBC Highways manager & Parish Councillors (ironically on a July morning last year when the M4 was closed due to an accident)! 

We discussed crossing safety, speeds and signage and the potential location for Parish Council funded flashing speed signs. 

2020: The speed activated sign has now been installed and speeds detected over 90mph - the police have been informed!


Ridgeway Ward residents let me know if you have any questions:




Gary Sumner – your Ridgeway Ward Councillor




As one of a group of volunteers we give up our time to be a visible presence to speeding motorists in Liddington.


Data about speeding motorists is passed to Wiltshire Police and those motorists can expect to hear from the police.


The data has also helped us get permission to site movable vehicle activated speed signs on Purley Road funded by the Liddington Parish Council.





My son Will and I removed grafitti - cleared pavements of leaves and fallen branches and removed grass growing alongside the road on the Purley Road (B4192).


Great to look back and see what we achieved in doing this - a very tidy street scene afterwards.


We were just one part of the effort with other Liddington residents concentrating on other areas.


We brought in a leaf blower from home to speed the task!



We planted 4000 trees at 'Manners Wood', Pack Hill, Wanborough in the AONB in November 2018 & more in February 2019 and November 2019:


Together with the Woodland Trust, staff from Nationwide Building Society and the Landscape team at Swindon Borough Council we planted 4000 trees in land aquired by SBC alongside an existing woodland scheme in the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty at Pack Hill, Wanborough.


Staff and pupils from Years 3&4 at Wanborough Primary were able to join us and Nationwide were good enough to lay on the coach to get them there and back safely! They were incredibly enthusiastic planters and trees were planted so quickly that more had to be brought to site! They will watch this special new woodland grow and know they helped create it in 2019.




Gary Sumner – your Ridgeway Ward Councillor



Cllr Gary Sumner

Ridgeway Ward



Tel: 01793 790814


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