I was able to agree the closure of Day House Lane as part of the £17.2m Junction 15 improvements.
This will create a safer environment for cycling, walking and equestrian use and provides a suitable rural route as access to Coate Wate Country Park.
I will also ensure that the access from Marlborough Road is safe and doesn't compromise this use.
BUS SERVICES: Have gone out to tender and are likely to commence (subject to the developers helping us with a turn-around area) in July 2021.
SPEEDING: Concerns being fed back to developers who are responsible for the roads until adopted.
ALLOTMENTS: We know you want to start digging. We need the developers management company legal agreement signed off before they are handed over. Parish Councillor William Horley lives in Badbury Park and has met with residents forming an allotment group to manage their creation/allocation.