Wanborough Traffic Calming - now completed (June 2022) -Wanborough Road ongoing.

A consultation on double yellow lines and no waiting restrictions in The High Street, Wanborough was held, as part of the Wanborough Traffic Calming Scheme. The Consultation generated 14 objections - none of which were considered sufficient reason to cancel the heritage 'double primrose lines' as part of the traffic calming scheme.


The Scheme is now approved and implimented.

Wanborough Traffic Calming Scheme:


This scheme was funded as part of the Southern Connector Road project at a cost of around £600,000. It is a one-off opportunity to introduce features which will not ruin the feel of the village High Street, but will make it less appealing to 'rat runners' who we hope will use the new Southern Connector Road.


If the scheme didn't proceed there will be no funding available in future, apart from competing with other road safety requests across the Borough.


This is an unprecedented investment in road safety/traffic calming in the village and something which I personally spoke for at the time the New Eastern Villages was allocated. 



Wanborough Traffic Calming Scheme update 28/1/22:


Dear Councillor Sumner,


In response to your email and discussions we have had today please see the below:


The scheme undertook a consultation process, which is in line with the Councils protocol for such events. At the time of consultation we were in the height of the 2020 COVID pandemic and as such undertook an online consultation event for six weeks. The event ran from the 6th July to 17th August 2020. Through the consultation we received up to thirty responses from local residents which were all captured and an initial response was published online. The publication is still available online now: https://www.swindon.gov.uk/info/20161/nev_transport/1165/wanborough_traffic_calming_scheme


Residents, and members of the wider public were encouraged to participate in the online consultation. They were informed through a series of Social Media advertisements, pages in the local Wanborough Monthly Newsletter, Liaison with the Ward Councillor and Parish Councillors and hard copies available at the Civic Offices. Highlighted in the consultation, the scheme is programmed to commence in Winter 2021-22. Separate meetings were held in December 2020 between the Parish Council and Ward Councillor to present proposals and discuss feedback.


Between the consultation and now, we have refined the design, undertaken Road Safety Audits, completed surveys and investigations on the drainage, carriageway and utility searches. Residents directly adjacent to the High Street were notified of the survey works required for the scheme through letter dropping in July 2021. All residents who have requested on site meetings have had the opportunity to meet with Officers and yourself. Ongoing correspondence with the Parish Council and Ward Councillor has continued via email correspondence.


The final Road Safety Audit process was completed in December 2021 and detailed plans of the scheme were first shared with stakeholders on the 20th January 2022. The WTC scheme requires a number of new TROs, which will be advertised in accordance with the Councils policy for TRO applications starting mid-March 2022. During this consultation process residents will be able to give feedback on the scheme TRO’s. The scheme is due to be completed in August 2022. Philip or Suzanne cc’d in will be able to give you the duration of the advertisement of the TRO’s and further details if objections to TRO’s are made. I have been informed that 5 months is sufficient for the TRO’s to be processed.



  1. Measures will be taken during construction to minimise disruption to local residents and the wider community. Careful consideration has been given to ensure the village retains its rural character, this is inherent in the design through the use of horizontal traffic calming measures rather than vertical (speed humps), provisions have been allocated for wild flower planting inside buildouts – which is yet to be confirmed and is subject to further discussions around maintenance and visibility.
  2. Essential maintenance of gulley systems will be undertaken as part of the carriageway resurfacing works and in addition to this; new and upgraded gulley’s will be installed. Residents will see an upgrade in surface water run off on scheme completion.
  3. Guidance (Manual for Streets) recommends widths of between 4.8m and 5.5m, the 5.5m width being suitable for 2 HGV type vehicles passing each other and the 4.8m allowing for a car and HGV type vehicle. The alignment of the scheme has been designed to accommodate a range of large vehicles. The purpose of this scheme is to make this route less desirable to HGV type vehicles which the proposed design width of 5m should promote.
  4. The scheme promotes positive driver behaviour through the use of formalised parking bays. Pedestrians on the High Street will also see merit in this through increased safety.
  5. The proposals will seek to improve driver behaviour by providing designated parking areas where possible and implementing double yellow lines in areas along the High Street, where informal parking has caused safety concerns. The scheme improves parking along the High Street by the creation of additional formal parking spaces which will increase the overall parking capacity.
  6. The WTC does promote horizontal traffic calming rather than vertical methods, such as speed bumps where air can linger around the humps and increase maintenance liability for the driver (wear on tyres, brakes etc which need to be replaced and are non-biodegradable). Physical restrictions on HGVs will make the route less desirable to them and in the future residents should see a benefit of a reduction in HGV traffic. The scheme will enforce lower speeds which will reduce overall pollution; which the government is promoting across local authorities.


  1. Traffic counts and other local data available was used to inform this scheme.


Kind regards


Redlands - Wanborough Road lighting plan
Lighting Plan
HLS-783-1 D4 S278 Redlands Farm Lighting[...]
Adobe Acrobat document [1.5 MB]
Wanborough Road Street lighting:

Due to the developent of Redlands the Wanborough Road (as part of that consent) will be narrowed, traffic calmed and have a pavement installed.


It will make it a safer road that the one we have now, but the price of that safety is lighting.


I objected, as did most of the Parish Council but the road safety audit is independently assessed - please see the email below.



Dear Councillor Sumner,


Further to the meeting on 6th September, we note the concerns raised in relation to the street lighting proposed for Wanborough Road and the potential impact on the village.

As can be seen from the attached plan, the street lighting is proposed for the primary junction with Redlands, as well as either side.


In terms of towards Wanborough Village, the plan illustrates the street lighting would be located between the Redlands access and just after the traffic calming chicane, rather than continuing all of the way to the village.


The reason behind the street lighting extending to the proposed chicane is that there would be a safety concern were the key conflict areas, such as the junction / traffic calming, to not be illuminated.


The guidance from Institute of Lighting Professionals refers to the ‘five second rule’ which seeks to avoid road users transitioning from lit areas into dark areas and back to lit areas – as there is a risk that drivers eyes may not fully adjust to the differing lighting conditions and this may pose a risk to pedestrians or other users in the street.


An independent body undertaking a review of the Road Safety Audit (RSA) also advised this approach.


Since the meeting, Officers have reviewed potential measures to mitigate any potential impact from of the proposed street lighting. These include enabling the lights to be dimmed. Highways Officers have reviewed this and confirmed that the dimming controls outlined on the plan could be implemented in accord with safety guidance, and will be controlled by a Central Management System (CMS).


Further to this, Highways Officers have also investigated the use of baffles on the street lighting, which would further minimise any potential light spill. Whilst these are not used frequently due to the characteristics of LED lighting, and are only fitted in specific circumstances, Officers have requested that the developers install baffles on the proposed street lighting along Wanborough Road from the outset.


Whilst Officers note the concerns raised, highways safety reasons have made it clear that street lighting is required by this scheme.


However, to minimise any potential impact from street lighting, Officers have sought to locate street lamps only where they are essential for safety reasons, as well as secure other mitigation such as dimming and baffles.


On this basis, Officers will look to finalise the scheme with the developers based on the above / attached.


Wanborough traffic calming scheme


As part of the New Eastern Villages (NEV) development, a comprehensive access strategy has been developed to ensure that the surrounding area does not suffer from the effects of additional traffic. One such measure is a new link road, the Southern Connector Road (SCR), which will provide access to the new development from Commonhead and Pack Hill. In order to ensure there is not an increase in inappropriate through traffic in Wanborough and the surrounding villages, the junctions on the SCR have been designed to prohibit movements that could be used as rat-runs. To further discourage through traffic, the council proposes to install traffic calming measures within the village itself, these proposals are detailed below.


Traffic calming proposals

The scheme aims to reduce speeds and make the route less desirable for inappropriate through traffic with the use of traditional engineering solutions and psychological traffic calming, whilst also respecting the distinct character of the village.


Changes to the High Street include:

  • the realignment of the mini roundabout to reduce approach speed
  • prominent narrowing gateway features with emphasis on the speed limit
  • increased formal parking spaces and reduced informal parking locations
  • additional formal pedestrian crossings
  • priority buildouts to slow drivers and reduce traffic flows in both directions
  • road narrowing through the High Street and the approach from Callas Hill

Changes to Pack Hill include:

  • the introduction of a loop activated LED carriageway sign. This will inform vehicles travelling in the other direction that a larger vehicle is approaching, allowing sufficient time to stop and wait.

Changes to Rotten Row include:

  • the upgrade to the existing pedestrian crossing to Hooper’s field comprise, provision of hazard marker posts either side of the carriageway on both approaches to the crossing bringing it to the attention of motorists
  • new SLOW road markings on either side of the crossing. This will warn drivers to slow down.

Changes to The Marsh and Burycroft include:

  • the introduction of unsuitable for HGV traffic signs to inform HGV and large vehicles that the road is not suitable
  • edge of carriageway markings to clearly distinguish the carriageway edge and visually narrow the road to reduce speeds

Below is an indication of how the Wanborough Road, from here to Covingham will change in 2022:


Cllr Gary Sumner

Ridgeway Ward



Tel: 01793 790814


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