Ward Boundary Review: The Boundary Commission has published a consultation on proposed changed to Borough ward boundaries. Current proposals include a new Ridgeway & Chiseldon Ward with two members (which I think is positive and formed my party’s proposal. We are two similar communities and the increases in population with the growth of the New Eastern Villages in years to come makes this necessary.
You can have your say at https://www.lgbce.org.uk/all-reviews/swindon
a ten week consultation begins on the LGBCE draft recommendations. If you would like to explore the draft recommendations, you can do so by visiting https://www.lgbce.org.uk/all-reviews/swindon. Interactive pages give access to the full recommendations They allow people to explore maps of the proposals in greater detail and make comments. LGBCE also accept comments:
by email reviews@lgbce.org.uk
by post The Review Officer (Swindon)
PO Box 133
NE24 9FE
New recycling collections:
Additional new blue recycling bags for plastics/cans can now be ordered online (for free) as well as additional recycling boxes using the following link: https://www.swindon.gov.uk/info/20015/bins_rubbish_and_recycling/1319/changes_to_waste_and_recycling_collections
Food waste caddies came with a limited supply of biodegradable bags but you can purchase additional ones very cheaply at supermarkets or online.
New recycling days:
You can look up your recycling days using the following weblink which will tell you what to put out and when:
Dear Councillor Sumner,
I am writing to inform you of the upcoming Informal consultation for your applications to introduce a 20mph Speed limit in the above locations.
The informal consultation will run from Monday 3rd July 2023 until Monday 24th July 2023, and all information including letters, plans and guidance will be available on the Swindon Borough Council TRO Website at:
We will use the councils social media channels and communications team to advertise the consultation to residents.
The number of and size of the schemes unfortunately make an individual letter drop to households commercially unviable.
It would therefore be helpful if you could assist in making your residents aware of the consultation through your own local communication channels. Copies of the consultation documents are attached for information.
Comments received will be via a form which will ask for the residents contact details, and whether they object or support the proposal.
Once the consultation has finished I will pass on a summary of the comments for us to agree the best way forward.
Sam Wright BEng MSc FCIHT
Senior Transport Engineer
Dear Councillors Elliott, Jefferies & Sumner,
Thank you for your application to introduce a 20mph Speed Limit in Badbury Park. The Speed Survey results have been collected and analysed. Please find a summary slide for your schemes attached to this email showing how it scored against the various assessment criteria approved by Cabinet.
Our records show that the streets identified within the application are not currently adopted by the council. We will need to work with our colleagues in the Highway Adoptions Team to understand the current legal status of the roads and the implications of seeking to introduce a 20mph speed limit at this stage in the development. We will update you further as to our progress in the New Year.
Any further questions please just let me know. If you would like a meeting to discuss this in more detail then I am happy to arrange on Teams or at the Civic Offices.
Sam Wright BEng MSc FCIHT
Senior Transport Engineer